By US Coast Guard design, fifth (left and right) and sixth class ionomer foam buoys (5C/NFR and 6C/NFR)-including tall and fast water buoys (6C/NTFR and FWC/NFR, center)-are universally adapted to mounting the Carmanah Technology LED lanterns including the 501, 601 and 700-series lanterns.

For more detailed information about each of these, click on the following links to download spec sheets: Model 501, Model 601, Model 701, Model 702, and Model 702-5.

Carmanah lanterns are the world's most advanced one-, two- and three-mile LED marine lights. The simple unitary construction is extremely rugged, waterproof and vandal-resistant. The units are completely self-contained with smaller lights able to store fourteen days of power and large lights able to operate on one to two hours of sunlight a day.

For a copy of our Navigation Aids catalog complete with prices and drawings, call, write, fax or email us.

For GSA Schedule click here.

Gilman Corporation, Box 68, Gilman CT 06336 Telephone: 800.622.3626 Fax: 860.886.5402

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